Meet the Future City Makers

Bridging conventional city-making with 21st century city-making, Tapp pushes designers and policy makers to the operational edge of future city making. The key to our, and your, success? Tapp connects you to other future city makers and using lean and agile methodologies, we can quickly solve social, environmental and economic challenges. Unleash the power of interdisciplinarity and benefit from the expertise of drone flyers, data scientists, app makers, social scientists, life cycle architects and more.

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Web or mobile apps are just a couple examples of the interfaces we’ll need to bridge the gap between the digital and built environments.

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Machines will be 3D printing our future homes, bridges and furniture. Operators will explore recycled materials and complex forms

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3D scanning of our built environments will accelerate applications for city information modeling and pave the way for autonomous vehicle navigation

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Augmented and Virtual Reality reveals the many layers and dimensions of todays city. Good designers can create new and unique spatial experiences.

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Future architects will not just design, plan and oversee construction, they will completely reimagine the way we all live, work and play in our future city.

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These designers provide plans for our natural environment and visionaries for new techniques in planting, water management and future sustainability strategies

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As resources become more and more limited we will transition from ownership to share economies forever transforming consumers into prosumers.

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These experts close the cycle of taking-making-wasting our natural resources. Life cycle architects play a key role the new exciting circular economy

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Data Visualization

The world's most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data which is why we need good story tellers and visual experts behind the numbers we are looking at.

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25 / 30 year master plans are a thing of the past. The 21st century city planner will need to be more agile, adaptive, engaged responsive, and resilient

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Data Scientist

These interdisciplinary engineers unite statistics and data analysis to help us understand actual trends in structural, social or environmental contexts

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Our skies, streets and waterways will soon be full of delivery droids and drones. Skilled pilots will have to ensure the security and safety of our shared spaces

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Digital Rights Advocate

With the rapid deployment of data collecting devices and sensors we need advocates that ensure our that our privacy and human rights are protected.

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Our built environment and infrastructure need to be constantly analyzed, tested, and built to ensure that cost, regulations and safety is ensured

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As more and more meters, cameras and sensor flood the marketplace, cities will need stewards to monitor and maintain the system integrity and insights

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Technology is more than ever shaping politics and media. We need experts that keep us connected, informed and engaged with our new digital world

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Transportation Authority

Regulation and administration is about to get complicated. Rideshare, hyperloops, autonomous vehicles will create dilemmas and opportunities to our urban mobility.

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The future flow of goods and services go beyond logistics, production and pricing. Tomorrow’s engineers will keep supplies local and sustainable

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As 70% of the world's population migrate to cities, space is becoming a commodity. We’ll need new zoning for the built and digital realms alike

Do you want to get into future city making? Or are you a city planner and architect who wants to become an urban technologist? Get in touch with us here.