Social Distance Detector

FALL 2020

As we bounce back and forth from social isolation to social distancing, we often forget what 6ft or 1.5 meters means in our social environment. What does 1,5m meters mean back at the office or co-working space? What kinds of techniques can we explore that visualize our good (or bad) behavior in familiar surroundings? or what are some gentle reminders to guide our safe social distance practices. 

Corona is constantly asking us to choose between privacy versus health. With the Anderhalfmeter Meter we believe we can have both. 


Since September 2020, Amsterdam CTO office has been testing various versions of their AnderHalfMeter-Meter (One and a Half Meter Meter) with the community members on The Marineterrein. By creating a mobile solution, we can create awareness to the CODAM coding college classrooms , Kanteen25 food pickup and many more living, working and learning locations 

The assumption is using a privacy-by-design motion tracing system we can remind colleagues in a fun and interactive way what 1.5 meters looks like in our actual working environment.

Future City Makers

