Future Fitness Garden

Winter 2020 - 2021

The COVID19 virus has not only been a threat to public health, but also to personal fitness. Since the citywide lockdown, regular members and patrons of local sport-clubs have been forced outdoors as a safer alternative to normal studio workouts or trainings. One of the most popular (outdoor) fitness areas in Amsterdam has been the Marineterrein. Yet, as the days are now getting shorter and the risk of infection increases, what kind of safe outdoor facilities can we provide Amsterdam sport and wellness enthusiasts in the Living Lab?


Using a AI / Computer vision solution can count the number of people using Fitness Garden and detect moments people come within 1.5m of each other. Coupled with IoT technology the LED lighting can change the colors based on safe distancing and safe capacity. For example, If the AI detects people within 1.5m of each other the LED strip will turn red and thus remind guest of the fitness garden to maintain safe distances from each other. The LED strips will run 24 hours a day 7 days a week and have optimum effect from sun-down to sun up (5pm-8am).

The dark frame of the fitness armature is a perfect framework to explore a fun and interactive light based installation piece to trigger health and safety measures ensuring not only a fit but healthy recreation destination.

Data Dashboard

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CIM - Icon - Contact Moments copy@2x.png

Get your sport shoes and GET FIT!

Below you’ll see a real-time graph to tell you how busy it is at the moment. The yellow shows how many people are working out, and the red bars show the moments people came into 1.5m of each other.

Future City Makers


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